A traumatic brain injury is an injury that occurs after a blow to the head or when an object penetrates the skull. While individuals of any age may suffer a TBI, normal childhood activities may make children increasingly vulnerable to this type of injury. According to...
Focused On Helping Brain Injury Victims And Their Families
Know the types of traumatic brain injury
Traumatic brain injuries vary dramatically in severity and potential outcomes. In fact, the term TBI refers to diverse injuries that affect the head, skull and brain. Review the common types of TBI so you can seek appropriate help in this situation. Primary injuries...
Even minor head trauma may lead to mental and emotional disorders
From sports-related injuries and motor vehicle accidents to slips, trips and falls, recent research shows that even a minor concussion may result in potentially debilitating mental and/or emotional disorders. According to the National Institutes of Health, around 1...
New study examines cells after brain injury, may change treatment
From the use of leeches to bleed out diseases to lobotomies for psychiatric treatment, the types of medical treatment used to treat patients are always evolving. For the most part, the changes implemented by medical professionals are beneficial to patients. Scientists...