For most people in New York, having a baby is a time of excitement and anticipation. However, because there are potential complications that can be devastating for mothers, they need skilled medical care. Unfortunately, a recently settled lawsuit alleged that doctor errors caused a severe brain bleed for a teenager in another state.
The victim in the lawsuit was 15 when she underwent an emergency cesarean section. According to reports, the teenager was 35 weeks pregnant when doctors discovered an issue with the placenta and umbilical cord. As a result, the C-section was performed.
Unfortunately, the young woman suffered a massive brain bleed. The lawsuit argued that doctors and other medical care providers should have recognized symptoms of preeclampsia, a condition related to pregnancy that can have serious consequences. Representatives for the defendants argued that the patient’s blood pressure was only high after the patient learned that her baby could be in danger and she would be undergoing emergency surgery. They additionally claim that other complaints that could indicated she was suffering from preeclampsia, such as nausea and a headache, are often associated with anesthesia.
The lawsuit was abruptly settled nine days into the trial. The terms of the settlement are unclear. However, the victim, now 22, is a paraplegic and, while aware of what is going on around her, is “locked in” her body. She currently lives with her mother and requires in-home nursing care.
Unfortunately, the care the woman needs as a result of her brain injuries is estimated to be around $450,000 each year. Because this is more than most families in New York and across the country can afford, many families who are struggling as a result of doctor errors often choose the same path as this woman and her family. An attorney with experience with such cases can help these victims estimate the ongoing costs of necessary care and pursue damages from the responsible parties.
Source:, “Lawsuit over teen mom’s catastrophic brain bleed during emergency C-section ends abruptly“, Christine Vendel, Nov. 3, 2017