After sustaining a traumatic brain injury (TBI), brain cells begin to repair themselves. However, they need help to speed the process along.
This is where rehabilitation comes in. With dedication and practice, a TBI patient can move forward again with the help of professionals and a specialized program.
Understanding plasticity
When a traumatic brain injury occurs, damaged brain cells endeavor to repair themselves. Once the condition of the patient stabilizes, they begin creating new pathways among the still-healthy brain cells. Plasticity is the process whereby healthy cells take on certain functions that injured cells once performed.
Relearning skills and abilities
Much of what a TBI patient learned over his or her lifetime is still stored in the brain. However, the injury severed connections, blocking access to certain information. As a result, the patient may not remember how to perform even such basic activities like walking, bathing, eating and dressing. Rehabilitation helps the patient to relearn the skills of daily living that most people take for granted. Any kind of brain trauma affects communication skills, memory and other cognitive processes. The goal of a rehabilitation program is to help the patient relearn forgotten abilities and compensate for any lasting impairments.
Looking ahead
A TBI can leave its print on many areas of a patient’s life: physical, emotional, behavioral, cognitive and social. A rehabilitation program is essential for treating these issues, although it is an effective form of treatment that is far from inexpensive. If negligence on the part of another caused the brain injury, the victim has the right to expect compensation to cover medical expenses, long-term care, loss of earning potential and more.