Parents in New York and across the country often go to great lengths to protect their children’s physical and mental well-being. Despite their best efforts however, their children may still experience a child injury to their brain due to someone else’s negligence. Unfortunately, these injuries may often leave families wondering how they will afford the medical treatment their child may require for the rest of his or her life.
The brain, for many people, is a mystery. Unfortunately, an injury to a person’s brain can often manifest in various, and sometimes unexpected, ways. It is many times difficult for doctors to predict when or if a victim will ever fully recover.
According to the Brain Injury Association of America, the symptoms associated with a brain injury can vary greatly, depending on a variety of factors. For example, the severity of the injury, as well as its location, will impact its manifestations. However, some symptoms may include memory issues, depression, seizures and paralysis, among others.
As a result, families in New York and across the country often seek compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. Fortunately, the team at Ronald W. Ramirez Attorney at Law has experience with people who are suffering from a traumatic brain injury. With our knowledge, we are able to help determine how much compensation is required to treat and care for a child injury to the brain. We can evaluate a case and take appropriate action to seek damages to help ensure that adequate medical care is attainable.